Roch's family home, outdoor kitchen
Traveling to Benin has been on my mind for years, especially experiencing the voodoo festival. X-mas 2015 it finally happened. a total of 17 days I spent leisurely moving around Benin. From the capital Cotonou I did short trips to the stilt village of Ganvie, to Ouidah and Puerto Novo, mostly by motorbike taxis. Dassa was the most northern city I visited, from where I moved to Abomey, the former residence of the Dahoman Kings. The voodoo festival in Ouidah was the definite high-light of this trip.
Cotonou-Protestant School
Roch’s parents and wife
Roch’s sister in law
New Years Party at Roch’s family home in Pueto Novo, outdoor kitchen
New Years Party at Roch’s family home in Pueto Novo, Roch’s party, young dancers
New Years Party at Roch’s family home in Pueto Novo,, Roch with niece
New Years Party at Roch’s family home in Pueto Novo,, Heidi&girl
Camate, path separating the twin village of Camate&Shakaloke
Camate, buying fabrics from a local woman
Camate, children playing on tombs
Cotonou, traffic
Man transporting tire
Abomey, traveling around on a zem
Riding a zen through Idaaschaland
Tries glowing in the setting sun
Ouidah, Place du Chacha
Ouidah, Temple of Pythons
Ouidah, voodoo festival, Boy in trance
Routes des Esclaves
Sacred Forest, Ouidah
Ouidah, boys partying during voodoo festival
Ouidah, dancers at voodoofestival
Ouidah, voodoo festival, procession, with voodoo priests
Abomey, house of priest
Abomey, house of priest
Chameleon Church, inside
Cameleon Church
Abomey, Palace Wall
Abomey, Palace of Glele
Taxi Brusse being loaded
Taxi Brusse
Street Vendors
Cotonou, Hotel du Lac
Cotonou, traffic
Truck full of cotton
Leaves coated with soil
Neatly arranged sacks of agri, flour of cassava
Dassa, Main Street
Visiting the King of Dassa
Ganvie, floating village
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