There are not many places like the Lower Omo Valley in Southern Ethiopia on this planet! Where do you find so many different cultures and ethnic groups in a relatively small area who still cling to their traditional way of life? This is absolutely unique, even the “Birr for Photo” business – Here you find a selection of 25 pictures from Ethiopia (Lower Omo Valley) Continue Reading →
Archive | Ethiopia
Berahile – Police Station
The police station outside of the village was deserted. It was past 11:00 am and the heat had already brought life to a complete standstill. So Liza and Heidi went to look for the very chief to get our permit for the Danakil. Continue Reading →
Mekele – The Windy City
After the second attempt the plane managed to take off from Addis Abeba to Mekele, Ethiopia’s fifth largest city: the first attempt ended when the pilot abruptly interrupted the take off with engines already at full throttle. One engine failed, we learned later. Continue Reading →
8 Days In The Omo Valley

The most distinctive of all ethnic groups in the Omo Valley: the Mursi, famous for the huge Lip Plates the women are sporting. Mago National Park, near Jinka, Lower Omo Valley, South Ethiopia
There are not many places like this on this planet! Where do you find so many different cultures and ethnic groups in a relatively small area who still cling to their traditional way of life? This is absolutely unique, even the “Birr for Photo” business. Continue Reading →
New Year’s Eve In Addis Abeba

Heidi & Gilles – Dinner with traditional dances in the Habesha 2000 Restaurant in Addis Abeba, Ethiopia
After the 9 hour long drive from Arba Minch, we felt more like sleeping it off, but firstly it was New Year’s and secondly, Yayehiyrad, the manager of Experience Ethiopia Travel, had invited us for a dinner with traditional dances to the Habesha 2000 Restaurant. We were a bit guarded expecting a tourist trap, but were pleasantly surprised to find a good mix of locals and tourists, a delicious Injera buffet and an outstanding dance show. A group of jolly business men from Sudan got the place rolling. Whenever the band would play Sudanese tunes, they stormed the stage. Continue Reading →
Ethiopian Roads
The roads in the Omo Valley are typical for thousands of kilometers of roads in rural Ethiopia. The vehicles, mainly 4WD and a few public busses drive on a bumpy dirt road that runs along a brand new road under construction. All stages of roadwork can be seen. To prevent cars from driving on the unfinished road mid-sized stones are placed on the sandy surface. There must be millions of these of these “blocking stones” – How many hours it took to put them there and remove them we will never be able to guess! Continue Reading →
Key Afar Market
A long procession of Banna people marching towards Key Afar was the first indication that it was market day in this tiny village. As always women were almost crushed under incredible heavy loads of firewood, maize and other produce, while men gingerly walked their goats to be sold like a pet. Continue Reading →
The Mursi’s Love For Birr

The most distinctive of all ethnic groups in the Omo Valley: the Mursi, famous for the huge Lip Plates the women are sporting. Mago National Park, near Jinka, Lower Omo Valley, South Ethiopia
Only at the second village things took their course. The Mursi stormed towards us when we got out of the cars, pulled and tugged, displayed scars, lips with and without plates, Kalashnikovs – Nobody wanted to be overlooked. Continue Reading →
The Mursi – Lip Plates & Kalashnikovs

The most distinctive of all ethnic groups in the Omo Valley: the Mursi, famous for the huge Lip Plates the women are sporting. Mago National Park, near Jinka, Lower Omo Valley, South Ethiopia
The most distinctive of all ethnic groups in the Omo Valley are the Mursi, famous for the huge Lip Plates the women are sporting. The bigger, the more beautiful… These disks made of wood or clay certainly are not comfortable to wear. So unless there is a special occasion women do without them. What is left then is a huge loop of shriveled lip dangling from the mouth, a rather irritating sight. Ear lobes are also stretched and scarification is highly desired, as with the Hamer. Continue Reading →
Downtown Jinka
Jinka itself is a good size town whose center is dominated by an old grassy airstrip. Nowadays only small, private chartered plane land amid the small wooden stalls. There are a few hotels, standards are modest. Basically all tourists eat at the same restaurant. Continue Reading →