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Ethiopia -“Tierra Incognita”

Camel caravan carrying salt from the mines in Dallol, Danakil Depression, Ethiopia,

Camel caravan carrying salt from the mines in Dallol, Danakil Depression, Ethiopia,

We are used to our friends rolling their eyes when we spell out the next travel destination. “Colombia? But that is dangerous!” or “Mali? Where is that?” Ethiopia triggered remarks like “Why do you go there?”, “What is there to see?” or “But it is only a desert!” This country is still often associated with the horrible images of the great famine in 1985 – 1986 and the war against Eritrea.

It required a lot of explanations about the great culture of the only country in Africa that was not colonized. The Omo Valley and the Danakil Depression are superlatives in their own. The many different ethnic groups of the Omo Valley continue living their traditional way of life like hundreds of years ago. The Danakil Depression on the other hand is one of the geologically most active and hottest regions on earth. The incredible landscape of Dallol and the permanent lava lake of Erta Ale are just the ultimate climax.

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