View of Sao Paulo from the top of the highest building, the Edicifío Italia, on the 42nd floor … Unbelievable!
The cheapest flights in Brazil leave at unholy hours, so again we left the very cosy Trip Hostel in Santa Teresa in Rio de Janeiro at 04:00 am and we finally hit our pillows precisely 24 hours later in Lima at 02:00 am local time. This budget journey included a 12 hour stop-over in Sao Paulo. Any stopover in a city of 17 millions has to be superficial and unrewarding, but truly there is not much to see no matter how hard the Lonely Planet and the Tourist Office try to promote the historic center.
If anyone does stay in Sao Paulo – the must do is to take the elevator to the 42 floor of Edificío Italia on Placa de la República. From its roof terrace you have a 360 degree view of this megacity – stepping out you will hold your breath, believe us! Skyscrapers as far as you can see, surely not beautiful at all but extremely impressive, even for people who went to major American cities!
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