La Carratera de la Muerte or Death Road, going down from 4.650 meter to 1.250 Meter in only 64 Kilometer, between La Paz & Coroico, Bolivia
Maybe not entirely, but… Until two weeks ago, we perfectly stuck to our travel plans, spent less than what we had budgeted, in a word we were on track. Something very unusual when traveling “Round The World”. Then … Then we arrived in Bolivia! Fell in love with this country, we really did! Decided we needed more time to enjoy our travel here and finally threw our itinerary over board!!!
Actually we guessed it would happen and even were a bit afraid of it, but we are completely enthusiastic about it now. So what is new? Well, a lot!
Firstly, we are going to stay much longer in South America (4 to 6 weeks more), will only visit the northern island of New Zealand (only 2 weeks instead of 5) and completely skip Australia (good bye kangaroos) and instead spend time either in Malaysia or in Indonesia before heading towards Southeast Asia, where we might very well skip South China. Many thanks to our dear Australian friend Jody who helped us making this decision.
Secondly, we are going to go our own ways for about ten days. No, we did not quarrel, but discussed this thoroughly over a great dinner. Heidi simply is not ready to leave Sucre and wants to continue her Spanish lessons for one more week, whereas Gilles wants to discover the region of Tupiza and to have more time in the Salar de Uyuni. We will meet again in Potosí and then resume our “normal” travel together, heading south to meet Gilles´ Family in Tierra del Fuego for Christmas.
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