Arriving in Hong Kong was as much of a shock as a delight: after spending months on small Pacific Islands and in New Zealand with its sheer unlimited space, we were suddenly surrounded by skyscrapers, traffic jams and millions of people rushing around
“Have a nice flight” shouted the driver of the car rental shuttle after dropping us off at the international terminal of Auckland airport. Seconds later our eyes were scanning the huge board listing all departures, one flight was cancelled, flight Cathay Pacific CX 108 to Hong Kong, ours. Not good!
Cathay Pacific employees at the check-in desk informed us that due to a taifoon in Hong Kong, the flight had been cancelled, with our plane still in Hong Kong. “Wait there, we will know more in about 45 minutes”. Well, after waiting around much longer, getting in a queue not knowing if we were supposed to be in this one or not, we finally managed to get rebooked: to Sydney! From there, we took a flight to Hong Kong arriving at 05:30 am, 9 hours later than scheduled.
A big double-decker bus took us from the airport on Lantau to Hong Kong Island gliding along wide deserted highways, crossing giant bridges on the way. Hong Kong is not an early riser!
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