- Kamchatka – approachingPetropavlovsk-Kamchatsky
- Kamchatka – approachingPetropavlovsk-Kamchatsky
- Kamchatka uniquer cloud formation around volcano
- Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky
- Korean Restaurant in Petropavlovsk: Sascha and Anna, our guides, Rene and Michaela my travel mates
- Road to Tolbatchik was blocked by lava during the last eruption in 2012
- Climbing the lava flow to get a view
- Climbing the lava flow to get a view
- View from top of lava flow
- Our home in the village of Kozyrevsk
- Village of Kozyrevsk
- Village of Kozyrevsk
- base of Tolbachik, everything is covered by black sand from the eruption
- base of Tolbachik, everything is covered by black sand from the eruption
- base of Tolbachik, everything is covered by black sand from the eruption
- base of Tolbachik, everything is covered by black sand from the eruption
- base of Tolbachik, everything is covered by black sand from the eruption
- base of Tolbachik, everything is covered by black sand from the eruption
- base of Tolbachik, everything is covered by black sand from the eruption
- base of Tolbachik, everything is covered by black sand from the eruption
- base of Tolbachik, everything is covered by black sand from the eruption
- base of Tolbachtik, everything is covered by black sand from the eruption
- base of Tolbachtik, everything is covered by black sand from the eruption
- Camp at the foot of Tolbachik
- Hut atat the foot of Tolbachik
- at the foot of Tolbachik
- Crater hike at the base of Tolbachik
- Crater hike at the base of Tolbachik
- Crater hike at the base of Tolbachik
- “bombs – huge bolders were spewn from the volcano
- Crater hike at the base of Tolbachik
- Camp at the foot of Tolbachik
- Camp at the foot of Tolbachik
- Bizarre formation of lava flow
- Bizarre formation of lava flow
- dry twigs pushed deep into the lava start burning, we threw tiny rocks into the flames and they took on all kinds of colors due to the minerals they contained
- Michael hiking on the lava flow
- Dead Forest, only the top of the trees can be seen
- Dead Forest, only the top of the trees can be seen
- Esso
- Tea stop going towards Esso, Sascha our guide, Michaela, Rene,
- Esso home of the Even and Koryak People
- EssoEsso home of the Even and Koryak People
- EssoEsso home of the Even and Koryak People
- Museum in Esso
- Historic photos in museum
- Historic photos in museum
- Helicopter taking us to the reindeer herders
- Essen public pool with hot water
- Esso’s lovely creeks
- Aerial view of reindeer
- Herders toking their pick
- Wtihin 30 minute the reindeer was skinned and taken apart
- staying with the reindeers for two days
- staying with the reindeers for two days
- staying with the reindeers for two days
- Mutnovsky Volcano
- Mutnovsky Volcano
- Mutnovsky Volcano
- Mutnovsky Volcano
- container at base of Mutnovsky, the only shelter
- container at base of Mutnovsky, the only shelter
- Mutnovsky Volcano
- Mutnovsky Volcano
- Mutnovsky Volcano
- Mutnovsky Volcano
- Mutnovsky Volcano
- Mutnovsky Volcano
- Mutnovsky Volcano
- Mutnovsky Volcano – the top of the crater
- Incredible rainbow after leaving Gorely Volcano
- ncredible rainbow after leaving Gorely Volcano
- View from top of Gorely
- Kuril Lake in National Park
- Paul a friends of Seeren happen to be on the same trip
- On the way to Lake Kuril
- on the way to Lake Kuril
- Mi-8 dropping us off at the rim of the crater of Ksuchad Volcano,
- Mi-8 dropping us off at the rim of the crater of Ksuchad Volcano,
- Mi-8 dropping us off at the rim of the crater of Ksuchad Volcano,
- Mi-8 dropping us off at the rim of the crater of Ksuchad Volcano,
- Mi-8 dropping us off at the rim of the crater of Ksuchad Volcano,
- Flying into Lake Kuril
- Flying into Lake Kuril
- Flying into Lake Kuril
- Flying into Lake Kuril
- Flying into Lake Kuril
- Flying into Lake Kuril
- Flying into Lake Kuril
- Cabin on Lake Kuril
- Bathroom with a view
- two, each sleeps 8 people bedrooms
- Salmon counting station
- Watching
- even waist-hight waders are not enough
- Bored waiting for the salmon
- Funtime
- Funtime
- Funtime
- Constantin classing the gate
- Bear hunting salmon
- Bear hunting salmon
- Bear hunting salmon
- To get a better view of where the salmons are the bears stand up or climb on wood trunk
- To get a better view of where the salmons are the bears stand up or climb on wood trunk
- Japanese photographer killed by an aggressive bear
- cheeky baby bears
- Trekking along the river
- Bear hunting salmon
- Constantin the most serious ranger
- Constantin the most serious ranger
- Bear family taking a stroll
- Shore of Kuril Lake
- This photo was taken from the helicopter
- This photo was taken from the helicopter
- Bear family taking a stroll
- Bear family taking a stroll
- Bored waiting for the salmon
- Kamchatka – Land of fire and Bears
- Kamchatka – Land of fire and Bears
- Kamchatka – Land of fire and Bears
- Waiting for the sunset on the terrace
- Waiting for the sunset on the terrace
- Waiting for the sunset on the terrace
- Sunset over Kuril Lake
- Sunset over Kuril Lake
- Rolling the dice
- Fed and tired
- Fed and tired
- Bear hunting salmon
- Where is the food?
- serene catching a salmon with her bare hands
- Salmon trying to make it upstream
- the water was red with salmons
- Trekking along the river
- Bear in taiga
- Trekking the taiga
- Trekking the taiga
- View of our cabin from the shore
- Mouth of river where the salmon enter from the lake
- Mouth of river where the salmon enter from the lake
- Early morning walk along the river
- Bear hunting salmon
- Bear hunting salmon
- Bear hunting salmon
- Bear hunting salmon
- Bear hunting salmon
- Bear hunting salmon
- Leaving the paradise of Kuril Lake
- Leaving the paradise of Kuril Lake
- Leaving the paradise of Kuril Lake
- Leaving the paradise of Kuril Lake
- Leaving the paradise of Kuril Lake
- Leaving the paradise of Kuril Lake
- Leaving the paradise of Kuril Lake
- Leaving the paradise of Kuril Lake
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