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Tag Archives | La Selva

Deep Inside The Rain Forest

Walking through the Rain Forest, Madidi National Park, Amazon Rain Forest, Rurrenabaque, Bolivia

Walking through the Rain Forest, Madidi National Park, Amazon Rain Forest, Rurrenabaque, Bolivia

When coming to explore the “Selva” or Rain Forest, do not expect to see many animals, for that you need to go to the “Pampa”. In the forest, you might get to see a few monkeys, wild boars, birds, but do not expect jaguars or tapirs crossing your path. However, the lack of seeing animals is greatly compensated by what you hear around you. Some birds or insect can sound like a dentist’s drill or a chain saw. Wild bore can be heard rampaging through the forest from far away and the smell that should keep away their potential predators is intensive, to put it mildly. Continue Reading →